Notes To Accompany The Walks Programme (updated: February 2020)

Welcome to Barnard Castle Ramblers. We welcome new people to our walks. However, do please be aware of these notes and expectations. You are responsible for your own needs and safety on walks.

1. Everyone is welcome to attend the walk, but you must have appropriate footwear and clothing. For day long walks, bring enough food and drink for 5-6 hours. Please see our Recommended Kit list.

2. The normal Barnard Castle meeting place for car sharing is the Health Centre, Richardson Fields, off Victoria Road.Most of our walks start at 10:00, but there is more variation in Winter - unusual start times are highlighted. N.B. as members don't all live in Barnard Castle there is no guarantee that anyone will be at the Health Centre - you should therefore be prepared to make your own way to the walk location if necessary.

3. If you require a lift, please ring the leader at least 24 hours beforehand to check that someone will be at the Health Centre. (If the leader isn’t available or can’t help, ring Richard on 01833 660780). Car passengers should expect to pay towards the driver's petrol money.

4. If you intend to go straight to the walk starting point, please ring the leader in case the walk has had to be changed. Also, if you tell the leader you are going to the start point and then change your mind please let the leader know so they are not waiting around for you.

5. Leaders may do alternative walks to those on the programme. In any severe weather the route may be altered - or the walk cancelled. Please ring the leader if there is any doubt regarding weather conditions.

6. Take into account the grade of the walk, the weather conditions and your level of fitness.

7. Always make sure you are adequately dressed and equipped for the grade and conditions. Please see our Recommended Kit list.

8. Please do not walk ahead of the leader unless they have advised that you may, and do not leave the group without letting the leader know.

9. If you wish to take a dog on one of our walks, please check with the leader first as many walks are not suitable for dogs. This is especially so on farmland where there may be cows with calves. Dogs must be on a lead at all times.

10. We respectfully request that smokers be considerate to other walkers.


INSURANCE: Please note that the leader is not responsible for any accident to persons or property on our walks.


FOOTPATH PROBLEMS should be reported to the Footpaths Secretary, Ian Martin (01833 637825) or email . You can also report problems directly to the Public Rights of Way Officer at Durham County Council email . If you choose to do this, please also send a copy to Ian Martin.


MEMBERSHIP OF THE RAMBLERS ASSOCIATION : details can be obtained from the membership Secretary - Christine Hughes Tel:01833 660780 or email